The Olive oil ’ program is an initiative geared towards identifying and supporting young women’s economic empowerment through the creation of income-generating activities using their skills, talents, and innovations. The project will focus on vulnerable young women living in high-growth rural informal settlements in Kenya. The aim of the project goals is:-

Targeting the most vulnerable, increasing basic resources and services, and supporting communities affected. Empowering young women to economic growth and development. – Promoting sustained economic growth, higher level of productivity and innovations. Encouraging entrepreneurship and job creation.

Expected Outcomes

  1. To Empower vulnerable young women, and create opportunities that will enable them to use their skills, talent, and innovations as activities that can generate income.
  2. Reduce poverty rate
  3. Engage more young women and reduce idleness, prostitution, crime, drug abuse, and prevalence of HIV/Aids.
  4. Increase the percentage of young women in social-economical activities within the community.
  5. Promote employment and small businesses that will bring benefits to young women and the local community through development and infrastructure.
  6. Promote and upgrade the living standard and better livelihood.
  7. Increased awareness, skills, and knowledge management of these girls/women.
  8. To assess national legislative and policy frameworks for vulnerable women’s social and economic rights protection, to design and implement tools to promote policy change in safeguarding their rights.