The Great Boys to Great Men (GB2GM) ’ project is an initiative geared toward empowering and training our young boys on matters of discipline, behavioral change, and creating a safe space for girls and women. For most of the challenges our girls face in life; boys and men are directly involved and therefore this is a conversation to engage boys and men to create an environment that is safe for everyone from our homes, schools, workplaces, and streets.

Expected results

  1. Actively listen to a woman’s opinion or perspective
  2. Train boys and men in communication management and social respect for girls/women.
  3. Help more men to accept and appreciate the voice of girls/women in society.
  4. Engage boys and men to step up efforts and take responsibility in all their spaces of operation.
  5. Bring out more boys and men who will speak out against sexism and gender violence.
  6. Spearhead to enable more men to appreciate the promotions and leadership of women in workspaces and support gender quality