The ‘Securing Safe Spaces for Girls’ This is a girl program, an initiative geared towards identifying school girls and sensitizing them by access to relevant information, guidance, counselors, professionals, and role models in the community through workshops and activities that will impact development into adulthood. The result achievement is to give the girls an opportunity to grow their minds, be informed of different aspects of their lives, and challenges that they have to face, and emphasize career building through their education. The main goal is to prepare the girls to safeguard their future by overcoming perennial challenges through their teenage growth.
Expected outcomes
- To Empower school girls, and create opportunities that will enable them to make
right decisions and their voices to safeguard their lives and future.
- Reduce future poverty rate
- Reduce school dropouts and early/unwanted pregnancies
- Engage more girls and reduce idleness, Alcoholism, and prevalence of HIV/Aids.
- Increased awareness, skills, and knowledge management of these girls.
- Strengthened knowledge of decision-making of the young girls.